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Bug: I couldn't click this newspaper nothing happen

You made sure the crosshair is pointing at the newspaper?

It was clickable at first but I wander around about 10 seconds and when I try again I couldn't click

After you pick up the newspaper the first time and put it back a ghost appears at your left, you must look at him to active the next Event.


love the new update just wish u can click read the letter to see it much better

Thank you :) I'll update the game to include a read function


This was great! Minor glitch occurred when picking up the phone the static didn't go away.

Thank you! Yeah I got that glitch only once but I'll try look into 


Very nice Updated , good job , the game is good !!! 

Thank you :)


This Update Was On A New Level Of Scary! 

Great Job!

Thank you :)


I must admit im very impressed. Sound, visuals, timing on scares, atmosphere, the lovely smoothness on the camera movement, its really high quality. Promise me you will keep making horror games :)

Thank you.

🙏🙏 thank you man. If everything works out for me with this game maybe I can work on other horror or non-horror games.


keep up the good work mate, it feels good so far :)

👍 sure thing man :)

did you see Markiplier play your game, he enjoyed it


Loving this game, downloaded updated game, great work.

Thank you :). Yeah I saw Markiplier play my game months ago but that was an old version, hopefully he plays the updated version.


I just finished the early access and I really dig what you've brought to the table here--conceptually, the idea of a time-displaced ghost putting together the pieces of her own murder before it happens is excellent. I have a small novel of thoughts for you.

(fyi, spoiler alert for people who want to play this demo blind!) The environments in this demo were, for me, absolutely the best part; while the locations are a bit too clean to feel believably lived-in (which is totally understandable for a demo/proof-of-concept anyway), you show off a really sophisticated grasp of how to use color and lighting to your advantage. Sound, too. The bit in the hallway, with the breathing? Amazing. Legitimately unsettling. Honestly, there are a ton of little visual touches in here that are just so good, I could go on for a bit. Like all my favorite horror, you emphasize atmosphere over cheap jump scares.

On the other hand, I think the single greatest flaw in the demo as it stands is the writing. The newspaper articles aren't written in a journalistic style that feels authentic. The text exchanges are stilted. Most egregiously, the journal entries feel more like bland exposition than anything a grieving mother would actually write. It's easy to see that visual art comes more naturally to you than written art, which is great! For a horror game, good strong visuals/atmosphere is the most important part imo, but if you really want this to shine on all fronts, I'd suggest enlisting some friends/writer-y people to help out with the written portions.

Of course, I'm just some rando schmuck on the internet, and I'm a Known Snob about writing shit, so what do I know?

The tl;dr here is: Written portions need work but this is so good, excellent atmosphere and visuals, well worth the experience, and I'll happily play any longer/finished version you come out with!!

Woah thank you for this extensive review. I can definitely look into improving the newspaper articles, I tried my best to write it like a real newspaper article, I even read murder articles prior to writing my own. Of course like you said, I'm not an actual journalist so someone who is more well-versed in journalism or writing can spot the flaws. I can definitely look for someone else to do the writing in the future but right now, I'm working solo (except for a friend who's making the music). I also understand what you mean about the text exchanges, but it is hard to write them completely naturally without making the player feel lost, I have to make sure they know who is who and what exactly is going on etc. But I can certainly try to make them more natural, it is a valid criticism. But anyway, I'm glad you appreciate the work I did with the lighting and the sound, a lot of work went into both (especially lighting) and sometimes it is easy to overlook these elements. Thank you for your constructive review, I will definitely take into consideration some of the things you mentioned :)


Can I help you to Develop a game?


A short, yet very interesting story about time-travelling ghosts!
Hope you enjoy my play-through!

hey thanks for playing :)


Nice game , good project , i like ^^ 

Thank you, glad you liked it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Scariest game I played!
Best project <3

aw thanks man :)

got stuck in a small room, great game though

What program did you use? UE4 right? cuz I remember those furnitures in the game are from the marketplace, I also use them to develop my game ^^

(1 edit)

Played your second version a little while ago. I am really enjoying your work! Keep it up! Can't wait to see what the final product looks like! :)

I actually really love this. Just downloaded your new level & can't wait to play!

Absolutely fantastic game! Can't wait to check it out after alpha!



DUDE! thats really creepy, good job! you got me goosebumps :D a really great game, really looking forward for this.

Hey thanks man :)


Really good! I'm excited to see how the game continues..

Hey thanks again for the support :)

(2 edits)

This game is the first playthrough that I have posted on my channel. It was crazy exciting and really managed to give me a scare at times. Finishes with to be continued... I can't wait to see what comes next!

great game had a lot of fun making this video :)


THIS GAME WAS REALLY GOOD, alot of indie horror games just throw jumpscares at you left and right. but this was more subtle, just from playing this i can tell the developer put there whole heart into this project and im suprised this isnt being sold for like 10$ because it deserves that. i look forward to playing more titles from this developer.

hey thanks a lot man, appreciate your feedback :)


Game was pretty good even tho its PT inspired.
Liked the time travel aspect

Looking forward for more

Thanks man :)


Broo, I loved playing this game. I had a lot of fun playing it, even tho those jumpscares tore me up. 😂 Great job on it man, can't wait for the full release!


Thanks man :)


A great game with a really unique concept, the graphics really help immerse yourself in the game and it has great tension and atmosphere.

As others have pointed out the blue doors are confusing which subtracted a little from the game play pace but all in all good.

Thank you! I just updated the hallway level to make it less confusing at first.


So, im a little confused, i love the gameplay, i thought the game was loads of fun, but im not sure if i broke it. i was in the hallway of doors, i had been walking through them for a while, and nothing was happening. i decided insted of walking directy into the room that i would hood a sharp left, when i did, it looked like a fell though the floor, it went pitch black and i cant move, im not sure if it was supposed to do that, or if i messed up but ive been stuck for 10 mins. it wont let me interact with anything or turn on my flashlight 

That definitely sounds like a glitch, sorry about that. Just restart the game, and walk to the end of the hallway with the flashlight on to trigger an event.


Absolutely love this game, has a lot of potential to become a full fledged game. Keep up the good work, love it :D


Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it :)


Never felt so much terror in my life, great job! I loved it!!! The graphics and details were amazing. I give a 5 star =)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :)


Thank you for this game, it's a good one and enjoyed it. Also you did great with the lighting. Appreciate your development and game :)

(1 edit)

Hey thanks, glad someone appreciates the lighting cause I went through so much trouble to get it right :)

cant wait for the final product!

Way to hit me with that fakeout in the hallway. Super excited to see the finished product!


Glad you liked it :)


But im left cliffhanging XD its fine i played the demo too and ill make sure i keep up with this game

enjoyed it 

(1 edit) (+1)

Very creepy really good thank you so much 

Thanks man :)


I'm going to be real here this game is good it has the horror factor that every gamer is looking for I'm happy to say that this game made my heart race and my hands sweat, please keep making games like this one I have a feeling you can make it big with single player horror games, please keep in touch with me for future games you would want me to play thank you for the game and have a nice life 

Thanks for the feedback man, glad you liked it :)

more then liked it man it was great I have high hopes for this game and its future 

thanks man! appreciate the support :)


no problem 

(1 edit) (+1)

Never playing this game again, for real THE SCARIEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED. The atmosphere and ambience to the fukin girl that you see and the noises she makes is so fukin scary, Really good game if ur brave but im not so try it out.

Oh wow XD, thanks man :)


So, i wanna tell you there sir, I really enjoyed your game. It had me on the edge of my seat and was terrifying beyond belief. Great atmosphere honestly that played really well. I would post a video on it though my recording software decided to tell me to go screw myself and not capture. So, in order to not fake a reaction and play it again for a video, I will wait till more of it is out and make a proper video then. I just wanted to let you know though, great potential for a great game that is sure to be a hit!

Wow thanks man, that means a lot! :)


I played this a while back and I gotta say, Loving the new stuff bud :) 


Hey thanks man :)

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